Bethesda as a company has been around since 1986, yet it is strange to think where the video game industry would be without them as their mastery of the action-adventure RPG genre has created countless memories for gamers across the spectrum.
But, which are the best in my opinion? Read below to find out the Top 10 Bethesda titles over the last two decades as I review some of the greatest releases from those at Bethesda and Zenimax.
10. Elder Scrolls Online

Image sourced from Elder Scrolls Online Home
Elder Scrolls Online has been around for almost as long as Skyrim now and yet Bethesda and those at Zenimax Online Studios never fail to create new content for the title as it nears almost a decade since its release. The game has never failed to capture the wonder of the world of Tamriel and beyond, allowing players to traverse across almost all of the known Elder Scrolls universe, baring the lands of Akavir and Atmora.
As a result the title has never failed to attract fans of the series as those at Zenimax Online grant players access new stories, spaces, and experiences to be had within the continent of Tamriel.
9. Morrowind

Image sourced from The Elder Scrolls Wiki
Morrowind is for some, the beginning of what Bethesda has become over the last two decades, a company focused on making immersive stories, game worlds and role-playing. Despite the financial anxiety the company faced around its development, the 2002 release onto Windows and the original Xbox was a hit and has amassed a cult following with mods and overwhelmingly high ratings until this day.
The continent of Vvardenfell felt alien-like and enchanting in a way that other Bethesda game has quite captured since, but its calls for a remaster and new breath of life are more than warranted as fans eagerly await any further updates on the Skywind mod.
8. Fallout 76

Image sourced from
Unfortunately, Fallout 76 experienced a shaky release to say the least, with no interactable NPCs and brief campaign, it is no surprise many fans were unhappy with the release. Yet, the commitment to the title from those at Bethesda Studios has paid off massively, with a steady stream of devoted players and even those of the Filthy Casuals Reddit group who make up of approachable and supportive users always willing to help those who are new to the game.
The eventual additions of Expeditions and Seasons also added to the longevity of 76 as it gave players another angle to enjoy the Wasteland aside from the Public Events or Daily Ops. As a result, the title is really quite enjoyable in its current state with constant updates like 60 FPS on next-gen consoles and changes to the meta, there is always something new to find in Appalachia.
7. Fallout 4

Image sourced from PlayStation Store
Fallout 4 graphically improved on Fallout 3 with a similar narrative of family separation, whereas the player now finds themselves caught in the middle of a political and ideological battleground within and around the Boston area.
Furthermore, the DLCs of Nuka-Cola world and Far Harbour gave me many more hours to enjoy the unique followers, captivating stories, and base construction.
6. Fallout 3

Image sourced from Wired
Fallout 3 served as Bethesda’s first release of the series since their takeover of the franchise in 2004 as Bethesda sought to add their first-person action-adventure DNA to the isometric post-apocalyptic role-playing game. The story of Fallout 3 followed the disappearance of your father James as the coming-of-age narrative that this creates felt more personable than that of the standard prisoner arc of previous Elder Scrolls titles.
Furthermore, the sheer volume of downloadable content Bethesda released for this title including The Pitt, Anchorage and Broken Steel gave players plenty of opportunity to experience the Wasteland.
5. Wolfenstein: The New Order

Image sourced from RednautQuest
Wolfenstein: The New Order was released in 2014 as the latest in a long list of Wolfenstein games stemming from the first of the series in 1992. Now in full 3D the game took no time in shocking its players with a frightful representation of what might have happened if the Nazis had won the Second World War.
What ranks Wolfenstein so highly for me is the gripping experience you gain from experiencing BJ Blazkowicz’ trauma first hand as you fight against the Third Reich for the lives and freedom of your entourage in a harrowing alternate turn of events.
4. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Image sourced from Steam
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is the predecessor to Skyrim, and it is often seen in that light with its quirky character design and sprawling main story surrounding the Oblivion Crisis laying the foundation for the eventual success of Skyrim. Yet Oblivion has more to its name than just being the game before Skyrim with many features such as a class system and spell creation still in minds of those who played the 2006 release.
On top of this, the Shivering Isles DLC is exceedingly charming yet maniacal in the way it drops the player into a bizarre conflict within the realm of Sheogorath, brilliantly adding to the magical fantasy world of Oblivion.
3. Fallout New Vegas

Image sourced from Epic Games
Although Fallout: New Vegas was developed by Obsidian, it is often regarded as one of Bethesda’s greatest releases with the sarcastic dark humour and faithful adherence to the world of Fallout, it has remained a fan favourite since its release in 2010.
What made Fallout: New Vegas the fan favorite's of the franchise would be its writing and player choice often had direct consequences related to your characters morality, attributes, and charisma. Combined with such a personalized role play experience, the DLC inclusions of Old World Blues and Dead Money have always been rated by the Bethesda fan-base.
2. Starfield

Image sourced from
The latest Bethesda release Starfield, has immediately impressed with its immense gaming universe and scale, harking back to the days of Daggerfall where roleplaying and immersion were at the forefront of Bethesda’s game design. Starfield incorporates every sinew of that Bethesda DNA, from its character creation, dialogue options, factions and combat.
Although it is still early in Starfield’s timeline with full mod support and eventual DLC releases, we could soon have a new number one.
1. Skyrim

Image sourced from Steam
The obvious choice at number one has to be The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. To many this was the introduction to Bethesda Softworks with its release in 2011 changing the very expectations of games and what they can accomplish, in a similar manner to how Baldurs Gate 3 from Larian Studios has raised the bar for video game development.
Not only was the size and depth and Skyrim something to behold on release, the customizability and eventual DLCs combined with the modding community lead to Skyrim becoming a phenomenon in terms of video game replay ability and longevity.