Amongst all the fanfare surrounding the Microsoft FTC leaks last week, PlayStation has found themselves victim to a security breach which has amounted to some estimations of £105m in damages with over 6,000 accounts affected.

Image sourced from Wikipedia
The group responsible for the leak is known as LAPSUS$ have since taken to their website on the dark web to clarify that this hack has been their doing.
Sony have yet to make an announcement in relation to the security breach with many taking to social media platforms such as X and Instagram pleading for some clarity from Sony. This comes as many have been quick to make comparisons to the 2011 security breach which resulted in 77 million accounts being compromised.
I am sure Sony will address the issue in due course with the true extent of the damages still unknown as the details and repercussions of the security breach are still mainly down to conjecture between affected users online.